Development/programming of computer games


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2022-09-06 09:52 (GMT+02:00)


Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo
Murteza Mahmood
Klaus Torgårds vei 3 Sogn Arena 4. etasje
0372 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

We invite tenderers for registration of interest in and information about the delivery of computer-based game development/programming services for a research project for which we are seeking funding under the EU Horizon funding programme for 2023. The purpose of this notice is to gain insight into the game development market in order to prepare an ERC funding application and budget. If the application for funding is approved, the results of this survey will be used for preparing the tender documentation. All participants in this survey will receive information on when the tender contest is published. We invite tenderers for registration of interest in and information about the delivery of computer-based game development/programming services for a research project for which we are seeking funding under the EU Horizon funding programme for 2023. The purpose of this notice is to gain insight into the game development market in order to prepare an ERC funding application and budget. If the application for funding is approved, the results of this survey will be used for preparing the tender documentation. All participants in this survey will receive information on when the tender contest is published.

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