Recruitment services and organisation development


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2022-03-15 09:45 (GMT+01:00)


Oslo kommune v/Klimaetaten Oslo kommune v/Klimaetaten
Gry Lund Andersen
Olav Vs gate 4
0161 Oslo


The aim of the procurement is that the Climate Department gets the required support to recruit necessary personnel with the correct competence, as well as carry out various assignments within organisation development. The procurement will be a supplement to services that can be provided by the Agency of Development and Competence (UKE) in Oslo Municipality. The procurement will cover the need for expertise in both recruitment processes and organisation development processes, and also ensure predictability and continuity over time in these fields. The recruitment assistance particularly applies, but is not limited to, management positions and positions that require particular competence. The procurement is divided into two lots: 1) Recruitment services 2) Organisation development Tenders can be submitted for one or both lots.

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