Vest-Agder-museet IKS - framework agreement for mechanical and machining work


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2022-03-09 09:43 (GMT+01:00)


Vest-Agder-Museet IKS Vest-Agder-Museet IKS
John Olsen
Postboks 517 Lund
4605 Kristiansand


The procurement is for a framework agreement for the provision of 'mechanical and machining services' for two years, with an option for an extension for a further two years (2+1+1 year). The Setedals Railway mainly consists of older buildings, facilities, and material. It is, thus, necessary to establish a framework agreement for the execution of various mechanical, steel, welding, and machining services for buildings, track, equipment, rolling stock, etc. Examples of the need can be work connected to steam engines, steam boilers, welding work, fittings, renovation of vehicles, machining new bearings, alterations to machines and equipment, machining for recreating. parts. Assembly work must most likely be carried out no the stretch from Grovane to Røyknes, however machining and preparatory work must be carried out in a separate workshop with sufficient machines and equipment/lifting equipment. The service can also be used at the museum's other locations as required and as agreed.

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