Prior Information Notice 2 - specialised interactive solutions, cloud-based meeting solutions


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2021-12-24 10:19 (GMT+01:00)


Statens innkjøpssenter v/DFØ Statens innkjøpssenter v/DFØ
Stine Kvellestad
Pb 7154 St. Olavs plass
0130 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

The prior information notice (RFI) is designed by the Market place for cloud-services (from here on out MPS) in Norway. MPS is organised under the Division for Public Procurements in the Directorate for Management and MPS is subsidiary to the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) and will make it easier for public entities to procure secure, legal and cost-efficient cloud-services. MPS has full authority to enter into and have responsibility for strategic contract management of cloud-service contracts on behalf of government entities, municipalities and counties. The contract that will be entered into will be voluntary for the entities to use. Even though the contracts are voluntary, the potential number of users will be very large. The potential users identified are approx. 160,000 employees in state administrative bodies divided across approx. 200 entities and approx. 547,000 employees in municipalities and counties, divided across respectively 356 municipalities and 11 counties. Geographically, the users are located across all of Norway, including Svalbard and Jan Mayen. 1. MARKET SURVEY MPS intends to establish a contract area within specialised interaction solutions that can be offered as ‘stand-alone-solutions’, also solutions with a specific functionality, as opposed to ‘integrated solutions’ which are more comprehensive solutions with multiple different functionalities. In this connection, MPS wants to implement a market survey. In the market survey, MPS wants to look at the area of cloud-based meeting solutions for interaction and communication between employees in the entity and between the entity and external parties. This concerns one to one video meetings, as well as video meetings for groups and conferences. The meeting solution can contain one or more of the following functions for further interaction: - Chat outside of meetings (one to one and/or group chat) - Chat during meetings - Screen sharing - Document sharing - Document storing and handling - Whiteboard - Project management - Webinar The primary purpose of the prior information notice (RFI) is to gain information about hos the meeting solutions in the market process personal information, hereunder particularly if there are solution that can process personal information within EU/EEA and possible a third country included in the European Commission’s decision on sufficient protection levels according to the general data protection regulation article 45. Processing should be understood in accordance with the definition of ‘processing’ in the general data protection regulation article 4 no. 2. Seen in the context of the purpose of the prior information notice, MPS will focus particularly on whether the personal information will be stored or processed in countries outside of the EU/EEA, or if it gives remote access to personal information from countries outside of the EU/EEA. In addition to the above, MPS wants to gain further knowledge of your business, the meeting solution you offer, the information security and protection of personal information as well as the price of the meeting solution. 2. RESPOND TO THE MARKET SURVEY Respond to the market survey via the link below. It is optional whether the response is in Norwegian or English. Link to response: Refer to the attached documents for further information about responding to the market survey. The questions in the survey are listed in the documents, and it is therefore possible to prepare answers before the market survey is carried out. MPS intends to establish a contract area within cloud-based interaction solutions. The information from the survey will therefore be used to planning of further work. MPS will process confidential information in accordance with the applicable legislation. This means MPS is obliged to prevent others from gaining access to or knowledge of information about technical facilities and procedures or operational and business conditions of competitive significance. We emphasise that this prior information notice is not to be considered par of the procurement process. A response does not bind either the supplier or MPS. MPS also retains the right to make changes at any given time and regardless of the response deadline. Costs incurred in connection with the response will not be covered by MPS. Any questions about the prior information notice should be direct to MPS at email: In consideration of planned progress in the process, we encourage interested suppliers to provide their input by 21 January 2022, 12:00.

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