Pandrol equipment


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2021-10-06 15:10 (GMT+02:00)


Sporveien AS Sporveien AS
Nils Harald Løvdal Roland
Økernveien 9
0608 Oslo


The Procuring Entity uses a number of different Pandrol equipment for its infrastructure. This contract will cover the volume of these components.

Procurement opportunity’s total value is approximately NOK 1-2 million annually.

Contract duration will be two years from contract signing with the option to prolong the contract another three years (1+1+1).

In addition, the procurement is performed as a coordinated procurement between Sporveien AS ( 915 070 434) and Oslo Kommune Fornebubanen ( 818 379 862). Sporveien AS and Oslo Kommune Fornebubanen have entered into an agreement of cooperation for this area.

Oslo Kommune Fornebubanen (Fornebubanen) is committed to enter into an own and identical framework agreement with the Supplier. Fornebubanen will make call-offs on this agreement.

Dato for kontraktstildeling: 19-09-2021
Antall mottatte tilbud: 1
Kontaktpunkt for leverandøren som har blitt tildelt kontrakten:
Pandrol Ltd (trading as Pandrol UK Ltd), Nottinghamshire, UK.

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