Laser Based Powder Bed Fusion Metal 3D-printer


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2021-07-06 17:10 (GMT+02:00)
2021-08-06 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


University of Turku University of Turku
Jaakko Uotila Jaakko Uotila
20014 Turun yliopisto

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The object of the competition is laser based powder bed fusion metal 3D-printer for scientific research on process behaviour and control with different metallic materials and the resulting mechanical properties. The research is carried out with ability to evaluate the effect of different parameters, to freely adjust the parameter values, compare those to produced material parameters and to utilise machine learning via sensors to physical model of the process.

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek 728 KB
Tarjouspyyntö.pdf 403 KB

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