Refuse Collection Vehicles for MOVAR


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2021-06-22 10:08 (GMT+02:00)


Movar Iks Movar Iks
Lisbeth Smestad Lisbeth Smestad
Kjellrødveien 30
1580 Rygge

Kort beskrivning

MOVAR IKS (Mosseregionen Vann, Avløp, og Renovasjon) would like to procure a total of 16 refuse collection vehicles. According to the plan, at least 11 of them must be new. These 11 new vehicles will be split between the following types of vehicles: One transporter, weight under 7 500 kg with 4x4 and automatic gearbox. One crane compactor, 3 axles, 1 chamber. Four ordinary refuse collection vehicles, 2 axles, 1 chamber, total weight approx. 19 tonnes Six ordinary refuse collection vehicles, 3 axles, 1 chamber, total weight approx. 28 tonnes. Biogas is required for all the vehicles. There can be options for a further ordinary refuse collection vehicles in addition to the number mentioned above. The contest for these 11 new vehicles is scheduled to be announced before July 2021, with a tender deadline in August 2021. One transporter under 7 500 kg with 4x4 and automatic gearbox, biogas.

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