Tender for the publishing services


2021-06-10 14:55 (GMT+02:00)
2021-06-24 11:00 (GMT+02:00)


Europos humanitarinis universitetas VšĮ Europos humanitarinis universitetas VšĮ
Oksana Zlotnikova Oksana Vankova
Savičiaus g. 17
LT-01127 Vilnius

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

According to the requirements, the European Humanities University is looking for a publishing house that can print the edition of a scientific book.

Technical specifications:

Book language – English
Volume – 17.8 author’s sheets
Book format – 17,0 х 24,0 cm (4 mm bleed)
Cover format – 64,0 cm x 24,0 cm
Book Cover – white, black 100%, Pantone 646 U (or 2150 U), paper – multi color mirabell GD2, 320 g.; black embossing on spine; embossing on the cover page
Content – Black 100%, Pantone 646 U (or 2150 U); paper Munken print white 1,5g Vol., 90g
Binding – open swiss brochure
Print run – 500 copies
Service required – printing.

Requirements to the publishing house:
  • profile of high-quality research publications in English language;
  • history of publications in the fields of urbanism, architecture, as well as of experimental social, cultural, and media research;
  • channels and ability to distribute the book in Lithuania and in the international context

We kindly ask you to send the prices of your offered services by June 24, 2021.

Please send proposals through the Mercell system, or directly by e-mail Oksana.vankova@ehu.lt

If you have any questions regarding the details of the order and questions regarding the submission of the offer, please call the Infrastructure Manager Oksana Vankova tel. +37065630715.

 If you have any technical questions about the Mercell system, please contact Giedrė Česnulevičienė, Customer Service Manager +37065582875 gice@mercell.com

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