High Speed Camera Project BreakER_ADG


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts
2021-05-25 09:40 (GMT+02:00)


Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo
Ken Rune Myrvang
Postboks 1078 Blindern
0315 Oslo


Njård senteret ved Universitetet i Oslo (the Njård Centre at Oslo University) consists of a cross-discipline research group within the area of geology and physics. The equipment park is financed by Oslo University and is central in the BREAK program. On behalf of the Njård Centre, Oslo University will go to direct procurement of one Shimadzu high speed camera from Shimadzu Europe GmBh. The camera will be installed and synchronised with an existing Shimadzu HPVX2 camera that is mounted at the European Synchrotron radiation facility. The images produced in both cameras must be of comparable quality and light strength. The images should have a speed of 10 000 000 images per second, 128 images in hp mode and 256 images fp mode. In addition, the images must have variable recording speed of 10 ns. Interval area of 60 fps to 2 Mfps. Exposure time should be at 10Mfps (locked at 50ns) and at 5Mfps (locked at 110ns). This configuration must be built specially for our applications and must be considered as part of the existing equipment.

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