Request for Information about the Supplier Market


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2021-05-14 10:07 (GMT+02:00)


Jernbanedirektoratet Jernbanedirektoratet
Hilde Karin Storvik
Postboks 16 Sentrum
0101 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

Through this RFI, Jernbanedirektoratet (the Norwegian Railway Directorate) wants input about whether there are suppliers who can deliver a 'railway data viewer', in accordance with the attached requirement specification. Through this RFI, Jernbanedirektoratet (the Norwegian Railway Directorate) wants input about whether there are suppliers who can deliver a 'railway data viewer', in accordance with the attached requirement specification. Please notify our contact person if your company can deliver in accordance with the requirement specification, accessible under ‘Eksterne dokumenter’ (External documents). The market dialogue is not part of the procurement process and is thus not regulated by the procurement regulations. If there are relevant suppliers in the market, the Norwegian Railway Directorate will announce a competition during June 2021. Any cost for responding to this RFI will not be covered by the Norwegian Railway Directorate.

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