X-ray System


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2021-05-10 09:42 (GMT+02:00)
2021-06-04 12:00


Vestland fylkeskommune Vestland fylkeskommune
Katrina Øvsthus Stavenes
Postboks 7900
5020 Bergen

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Vestland Dental Health Service would like to procure hardware and software for an X-ray system with the accompanying maintenance. The aim is to procure an integrated, future orientated and user friendly system. We would like a total supplier that can deliver both software and hardware. The new supplier must be able to deliver software that is compatible with the existing hardware in the old SFFK and that functions together with the existing system.

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