IT Operational Contract for Enova SF


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2021-05-04 09:45 (GMT+02:00)


Enova SF Enova SF
Bjørn H. Aunøien Bjørn H. Aunøien
Brattørkaia 17A
7010 Trondheim


Enova SF would like to procure a new IT operational contract to replace the current contract. The aim of the procurement is to ensure the delivery of operational services within ICT that are of the correct type and correct quality at the lowest possible price. Enova's aim for the operational service is to get a modern, scaleable IT platform, ensure IT operations, maintenance and support in accordance with the agreed services levels, and secure access to IT operational competence that has knowledge of the system. Enova would like to outsource services within data processing capacity, regular operational assignments including, amongst other things, monitoring and notifications, maintenance of the system's infrastructure with accompanying system software (including troubleshooting), and the establishment and further development of the system, support and interaction. The procurement will cover several types of services, including IT operational services, platform services, clients, network and cloud services, security services, and assistance, as well as an option for supplementary procurements of client and meeting room equipment.

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