Dynamic Purchasing System, Cars


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Selektivt förfarande
2021-05-03 09:45 (GMT+02:00)


Innherred Innkjøp Innherred Innkjøp
Frode Riberg
Vennalivegen 7
7670 Inderøy


Note! this is an active Dynamic Purchasing System. Tenderers who are already qualified do not need to reapply. The reason for the publication is a change of the joint contest management tool for all municipalities in Innherred Innkjøp. Innherred Innkjøp wants through this tender notice procure cars from one or several tenderers. The contract includes the leasing/hire or purchase of: Electric cars, hybrid cars and fossil fuelled cars.

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