Framework Agreement, Repair and Maintenance Services of Electrical Installations


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-02-08 09:50 (GMT+01:00)


Ulstein Eigedomsselskap KF Ulstein Eigedomsselskap KF
Linn Marie Rian
Sjøgata 45
6065 Ulsteinvik


The purpose of the call for tenders is to enter into a framework agreement for Repair and maintenance services of electrical installations. The assignments included in the framework agreement are i.a.: — smaller installations, — general service, repairs and maintenance of the municipality's facilities, — periodic inspections, — control and fault finding, — follow-up irregularities, — response duty in connection with serious incidents/damages, — engineering design of smaller projects, — other concrete projects in accordance with the contracting authority and the municipal needs. In addition to Ulstein Eigedomsselskap KF (the contracting authority), Ulstein municipality and Ulstein Fjernvarme AS shall also be able to place orders against the framework agreement.

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