Procurement of a Framework Agreement for training Consultants


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2021-02-10 09:45 (GMT+01:00)
2021-02-26 12:00


Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon
Sven-Christian Valnes Sven-Christian Valnes
Postboks 8129 Dep
0032 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon would like to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for consultancy services within training. The contract will include assistance from consultants for the development and implementation of self-produced courses. DSS Department for Digital Services has an important role in the development and implementation of its own courses that are held for the many users of our ICT services. The courses cover different types of courses and training in the applications that are available on DSS:DT's platform. DSS:DT has, thus, a need to procure external consultancy services for the development and implementation of these courses. DSS:DT would like to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer that can cover the DSS:DT’s total requirement for consultancy services related to training in the next 4 years.

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