Invitation to Participate in a Supplier Conference in Relation to the Procurement of a Joint Contract for Payment Systems in the State


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2020-11-30 09:35 (GMT+01:00)


Statens innkjøpssenter v/DFØ Statens innkjøpssenter v/DFØ
Margit Grønli
Karl Johans gate 37
0162 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring (DFØ) ved Statens innkjøpssenter (the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management c/o the Norwegian Public Procurement Centre) will implement a procurement for payment solutions and in connection with wants dialogue with suppliers of payment systems for travel and outlays. The purpose of the procurement is to enter into state joint contract for payment systems when employees make outlays for the state so that these support the state's development of an efficient ad standardised process for ordering, control, payment and settlement. Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring (DFØ) ved Statens innkjøpssenter (the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management c/o the Norwegian Public Procurement Centre) will implement a procurement for payment solutions and in connection with wants dialogue with suppliers of payment systems for travel and outlays. The purpose of the procurement is to enter into state joint contract for payment systems when employees make outlays for the state so that these support the state's development of an efficient ad standardised process for ordering, control, payment and settlement.

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