Horisontal Directional Drilling for Landaff of Pipe in Naturgassparken i Øygarden for Northern Lights Project


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2020-11-16 09:38 (GMT+01:00)
2020-12-10 12:00


Equinor ASA Equinor ASA
Ragnar Breivik
Forusbeen 50
4035 Stavanger

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The NL project is part of the Norwegian full-scale CCS project and based on Gassnova SF’s design basis with transport and storage of an annual volume of 1.5 Mt/y CO2. NL will receive liquid CO2 from Fortone ore more capture site(s) in Norway. Unallocated capacity will be made available for CO2 from other national and international capture sites. NL comprises ship transport of liquefied CO2 from the industrial capture sites, an onshore plant for receipt and temporary storage of liquefied CO2 from ships, export of CO2 through an offshore pipeline and injection and permanent storage in a reservoir under the seabed on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The Onshore Plant at Naturgassparken in Øygarden will temporarily store liquid CO2 in storage vessels in the immediate vicinity of a new import quay. The liquid CO2 will be pumped from the storage vessels through an offshore pipeline to an injection well offshore https://northernlightsccs.com/

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