The Hire, Operation and Maintenance of Day and Night Resting Places for Heavy Transport Along E6/rv 2 in the Kongsvinger Area


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2020-09-25 10:04 (GMT+02:00)
2020-10-19 12:00


Statens Vegvesen Statens Vegvesen
Ingeborg Haugli
Postboks 1010 Nordre Ål
2605 Lillehammer

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Operation and Maintenance East invites tenderers to a tender contest for the establishment, operation and maintenance of a 24-hour rest area for heavy transport along the E16 or RV. 2 in the Kongsvinger area. The Kongsvinger area is defined as the municipalities of Kongsvinger and Sør-Odal. The driving distance from E16 and/or rv. 2 to the driveway to the actual 24-hour rest area shall be a maximum of 500 m. The 24-hour rest area shall have 15 parking lots and must contain service buildings with sanitary facilities. The contract includes two stages: 1) from the contract is signed and up until opening, 1 October 2021 at the latest; 2) from the date the place is officially opened and 10 years ahead. The contracting authority has an option to extend the contract for 1 year + 1 year, so the total possible contract duration becomes 12 years. The contracting authority shall enter into a contract with a tenderer who provides a 24-hour rest area with 15 parking lots.

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