County Road 285 — Construction Works for a New Bridge — Asdøla Bridge


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2020-09-14 09:40 (GMT+02:00)


Viken Fylkeskommune Viken Fylkeskommune
Sarah Mira Hansson Eriksen
Oscar Pedersens vei 39
1702 Sarpsborg


Bridge: a new reinforced concrete bridge Asdøla II over Asdølajuvet on the lower side of current County road 285 and Asdøla I bridge. Foundation work on unconsolidated materials and on rock for the new bridge. Road: contiguous road construction works south and north of a new bridge for connection to e.g the County road. Security works: at the south side of the bridge earth spiking must be established in the right side of a slope. Two retaining walls shall be erected at the north side of the bridge, facing farms on the right side of the road. Some erosion control measures with rock plastering work in the riverbank along Asdøla.

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