Worldwide Transportation Services


Förhandlat förfarande
2020-10-02 10:00 (GMT+02:00)
2020-10-06 13:00


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization
Thomas Bertelsen Thomas Bertelsen
Thomas Bertelsen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The tender concerns worldwide transportation services, primarily regarding transportation of acquisitions from a third party to the Danish Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO), as well as transportation of repairable goods from DALO to a third party. The framework agreement will be entered into with up to three suppliers. After the commencement of the framework agreement the placing of orders will be based on a cascade principle meaning that the supplier who offered the most economically advantageous tender at the tender stage (Supplier No 1) will always be given the opportunity to complete the services. The Agreement is entered into by DALO. However, all divisions of the Danish Ministry of Defence, including all divisions of the Danish Defence which are subject to the command of the Chief of Defence shall be entitled to use the Agreement for the purchase of Deliverables on the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

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