RFI — Integrasjonsplattform/iPaaS


04 - Periodiskt meddelande – försörjningssektorerna
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2020-02-11 09:43 (GMT+01:00)


The Vy Group AS The Vy Group AS
Elisabeth Gundersen
Schweigaards gate 23
0191 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

The Vy Group AS has, as a part of working with its mobility platform, identified a need for an integration platform and especially for a tool to replace old/existing Informatica Powercenter integrations. One of the possible solutions entails a procurement of an integration platform as a service (iPaaS) solution. In that regard, we wish to obtain up-to-date information about the market and solutions that may meet our needs. We would like to get responses from both software providers as well as implementation partners to software providers. Please be refered to our procurement portal (https://anskaffelser.vy.no) for more information.

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