Development and Operation of a Solution (Statistical Model) for the Estimation of Passenger Numbers Based on Automatic Passenger Counting


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2020-02-10 09:35 (GMT+01:00)
2020-03-09 10:00


Jernbanedirektoratet Jernbanedirektoratet
Benita Rozanna Almestad Fjellstad
Postboks 16 Sentrum
0101 Oslo

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Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian government has in accordance with the railway reform decided to introduce competitive bidding for the passenger rail traffic. This has opened the possibility for several passenger train operators in Norway. Currently, there is no common standard for estimating the number of passengers onboard, and the train operators are free to choose their own methodology for estimating the number of journeys. A study showed there will be a need to acquire a common statistical model for the sector. This is to ensure comparable and credible figures for passenger numbers to be used in revenue distribution, reporting and analysis of train services across train operators. See the tender documentation for further information.

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