Construction Supervision for the Construction of a New Electric Ferry at Randsfjorden, and a Framework Agreement for Technical Marine Consultancy Services


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2020-02-05 09:45 (GMT+01:00)


Oppland Fylkeskommune Oppland Fylkeskommune
Elisabeth Lande Elisabeth Lande
Kirkegata 76
2626 Lillehammer


Oppland County has recently entered into a contract with Holland Shipyards Group BV (HSG) for the construction of a new electric ferry for the Randsfjord route. The ferry is being planned and will be delivered, together with slipway vehicle, to Randsfjorden on 1.8.2021 at the latest. The county would like to enter into a contract for sub-project management/construction supervision up until the ferry has been delivered and accepted, as well as a framework agreement for technical marine assistance consultancy services.

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