Helicopter Stand-by Services in North Norway


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2019-12-02 09:36 (GMT+01:00)


Politiets Fellestjenester Politiets Fellestjenester
Steinar Elnes Steinar Elnes
Rognebakken 8
2770 Jaren


The Police need to establish access to helicopter capacity in North Norway, which will contribute to securing stand-by services for the police in the region. This can be for both acute and planned assignments. The service primarily comprises helicopter capacity that is available 24 hours a day, with a one hour response time, year round, for transporting personnel from the police with equipment over the mainland, day and night. Other helicopter services, such as planned and general assignments, simple searches and rescues that are part of police activities, and the use of avalanche searches, can be required. The duration of the contract is 4 years, with an option for up to 3 years extension. See also the tender documentation for a further description of the contract and the scope.

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