Finavia Corporation's Workforce Management System


06 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt – försörjningssektorerna
Selektivt förfarande
2019-11-29 09:48 (GMT+01:00)


Finavia Oyj Finavia Oyj
Annaleena Kiikonen Annaleena Kiikonen
Lentäjäntie 3
01531 Vantaa


Finavia was searching a new workforce management system (‘WFM system’) to replace the existing systems. Finavia and its subsidiary Airpro has their own systems at the moment. The aim is to develop and automate the roster planning process with the new WFM system. For example, currently the flight schedule information (demand) cannot be automatically used in creating roster. The new WFM system should include roster planning, worktime recording, automatic worktime, overtime and supplement calculation and payroll file creation. Finavia was requesting tenders for a WFM System and its maintenance and support service. Finavia prefers the new WFM System to be SaaS based but the tenderer may offer a licence based system as long as it has the same elements as SaaS. Finavia’s subsidiary Airpro is an option. Airpro’s system change and delivery project will be decided later.

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