A Contract for Transport Services


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-11-07 09:35 (GMT+01:00)


Oslo kommune, Bydel Østensjø Oslo kommune, Bydel Østensjø
Margret Ephraim Sørensen
postboks 157, Manglerud
0612 Oslo


The contracting authority shall enter into a contract for transport services for users of day care centres and communal centres. The transport shall take place between the users’ homes to day centre services at Langerud nursing home, Manglerud nursing home, Rustadgløtt day centre and Østensjø day activity services. The transport shall also take place between the users' homes to communal centre services at Manglerud Gård, Bøler, Oppsal and Rustad. The service shall also ensure the transport of all internal post for the district, between the district administration and all of the district's service locations.

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