Kjøp av kontormøbler og inventar til nytt lokale i Oslo


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-10-16 09:52 (GMT+02:00)


Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Viken Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Viken
Kjersti Fosse
Tordenskiolds gate 12
0160 Oslo


The client wishes to enter into an agreement for the purchase of office furniture and fixtures with associated services. The purpose of the acquisition is to cover the County Governor of Oslo and Viken's need for office furniture and fixtures in his new office space in Holbergs Terrasse, Oslo. It is planned to move in to the new office 16.12.2019. The county governor in Oslo and Viken will have office space on the 6

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