Framework Agreement for Outdoor Furniture for the NMBU Park [the Norwegian University of Life Sciences Park]


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-09-09 09:36 (GMT+02:00)


Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
Gaute Hoff
Postboks 5003
1432 Ås
969 159 570


The objective of the procurement is to get comprehensive and quality furniture at Ås Campus, that fits in with the existing furniture (This does not apply to the historical benches in the historic park, only to newer furniture). The furniture must be durable and tolerate the Norwegian climate. The furniture must be comfortable and user-friendly and make the park an attractive place to be. The manufacturer must be able to deliver varying furniture for outdoor use, such as chairs, tables, benches and waste containers.

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