Technical Services — Kimen Kulturhus [Kimen Arts Centre]


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2019-09-04 09:38 (GMT+02:00)
2019-10-09 12:00


Stjørdal kommune Stjørdal kommune
Astrid Cecilie Olaussen
Kjøpmannsgata 9
7500 Stjordal
939 958 851

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Stjørdal Kommune ved Enhet Kulturproduksjon [Stjørdal Municipality c/o the Arts Production Unit] invites tenderers to participate in an open tender competition for the procurement of technical equipment and services for Kimen Kulturhus (kk) [Kimen Arts Centre]. The procurement concerns the delivery of different types of technical equipment, and when needed, technical personnel with a high level of expertise within 1 or more of the following areas: audio, lighting, AV and stagecraft. KK has employed their own stage master who will be responsible for the assignments.

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