Purchase of Train Scanner Update at the Vainikkala Border Crossing Point


Ej tillämpligt
2019-07-22 09:35 (GMT+02:00)


Tulli Tulli
Juuso Leskinen Juuso Leskinen
Opastinsilta 12
00520 Helsinki

Kort beskrivning

The object of the procurement is to purchase train scanner update at the Vainikkala border crossing point. The object of the procurement also includes maintenance services for train scanner. Currently finnish customs has train scanner at the Vainikkala border crossing point, but current train scanner has reached the end of life cycle. For this reason, finnish customs purchases an update. In this procurement, train scanner means an automatized X-ray inspection/imaging system designed for scanning moving rail cars and wagons to reveal dangerous or illegal cargo and confirm the content of the shipment.

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