Tender for a Contract for the Delivery of an SDN Solution for Location for IT Connectivity (vol. II)


06 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt – försörjningssektorerna
Förhandlat förfarande
2019-07-22 09:33 (GMT+02:00)


SE Service A/S SE Service A/S
Jesper Fruerlund Christian Nyvang Lund
Edison Park 1
6715 Esbjerg N


The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage cost. The same software solution is used both central and decentral at the locations. The software is what describes the solution and what is requested the hardware is just capacity and ports. The contract has a duration of 5 years.

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