Procurement — Interaction Contract Kolvikbakken, ÅKE, 2019


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2019-08-23 09:41 (GMT+02:00)
2019-09-23 12:00


Ålesund kommunale eiendom KF Ålesund kommunale eiendom KF
Ann-Iren Sperre
6025 Ålesund
986 074 988

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Ålesund kommune [Ålesund municipality] hereby invites tenderers to participate in a competition for new construction of Kolvikbakken Lower Secondary School. Contract form: interaction contract in phase 1 with transition to a turnkey contract in phase 2 (the implementation phase). The contract includes: The assignment has two parts, first the preliminary project for which there will be interaction, then further implementation if the project is within the municipality's functional wants and economic limits. Phase 1: the draft and preliminary project phase: There is a complete draft project from XPRO AS. In the next phase, the preliminary project is in interaction between the turnkey contractors interaction group and the builder. Phase 2: the implementation phase: Execution of Kolvikbakken Lower Secondary School, new construction. The contracting authority has chosen an interaction contract for the implementation of the project in part 1 'the draft and preliminary project phase’, and this means that the character and execution of the project can be changed underway.

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