Contract for the Preparation and Implementation of a Education Scheme Related to the Traffic Safety Measure ‘Sett grenser — si ifra’ for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, the Southern Region


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2019-07-02 10:09 (GMT+02:00)
2019-08-16 12:00


Statens vegvesen Statens vegvesen
Ingeborg Haugli
Postboks 6706 Etterstad
0609 Oslo
971 032 081

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Contracting Authority requests a contract for the preparation and implementation of an education scheme related to the traffic safety measures ‘Set limits — notify’. The objective of the traffic safety measure is to teach the youth to ‘set limits — notify’ when they are passengers with someone who is driving erratically. The objective of the contract is to reduce the number of traffic accidents involving youth. The education scheme shall be implemented in sixth form colleges in Østfold, Akershus, Hedmark and Oppland.

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