Cleaning Services for Neskollen School, before and after School Care Premises, Sports Centre and Swimming Pool in Nes Municipality


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-07-01 09:57 (GMT+02:00)


Øvre Romerike Innkjøpssamarbeid Øvre Romerike Innkjøpssamarbeid
Tove Haarberg
Furusetgt 12
2050 Jessheim
933 649 768


ØRIK invites tenderers to participate in an open tender contest regarding cleaning services for Neskollen school in Nes municipality. Neskollen school has, per August 2019, approx. 575 pupils and 85 employees. This is the largest primary school in Nes municipality. The numbers at the before and after school care vary, but approx. 160 pupils attend daily. The school also contains a separate sports centre and a swimming pool.

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