Intention Announcement TSE KIt for BSE and CWD Testing


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
2019-05-28 10:21 (GMT+02:00)


Veterinærinstituttet Veterinærinstituttet
Randi Patricia Salterød Bakken
Ullevålsveien 68
0454 Oslo
970 955 623


As an OIE reference laboratory for CWD, The Norwegian Veterinary Institute has thoroughly tested TSE kits from Bio-Rad (TeSeE SAP Elisa) and IDEXX (HerdChek BSE –scrapie antigen) to compare their performances in testing various species; small ruminants, cattle and cervids. A higher sensitivity was obtained using IDEXX on cattle and cervids. For small ruminants, the Bio-Rad kit was detected Nor98 better than the IDEXX kit. As none other tests that are EU and OIE approved meet our requirements, Veterinærinstituttet has decided to sign agreements with Bio-Rad and IDEXX for the next 2 years With an option of 1 + 1 year.

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