Provision of PR services for Visit Finland and related industries for the target market Japan


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
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2019-05-13 09:31 (GMT+02:00)
2019-06-10 12:00


Business Finland Oy Business Finland Oy
P.O. Box 358 (Porkkalankatu 1)
00181 Helsinki

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Kort beskrivning

Business Finland Oy is seeking tenders for the provision of dynamic Public Relations (‘PR’) services for Visit Finland and related industries for the target market Japan. Visit Finland is an organizational unit of Business Finland Oy working to develop Finland’s travel destination brand, market Finland to travelers abroad and help Finnish companies in the travel industry go global. Visit Finland cooperates with travel destination regions, businesses in the travel industry and other export promoters and embassies. Visit Finland’s target markets are markets outside Finland which are determined to have the greatest potential for increased travel to Finland. As food, design and lifestyle are an essential part of travel, we at Visit Finland cooperate with these industries of Business Finland in particular and have joint PR needs. The scope of services sought after shall include but is not limited to the industries referred to (hereinafter ‘related industries’).

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