Framework Agreement for Emptying Sludge and Sewage Water from Minor Sewage Facilities


05 - Meddelande om upphandling – försörjningssektorerna
Förhandlat förfarande
2019-03-22 10:53 (GMT+01:00)
2019-04-26 12:00


Oslo kommune v/Vann- og avløpsetaten Oslo kommune v/Vann- og avløpsetaten
Lyudmyla Lorentzen
Herslebs gate 5
0561 Oslo
971 185 589

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Emptying sludge and sewage water from minor sewage installations will be taken over by Oslo Municipality, c/o the Agency for Water and Wastewater Services (VAV) in 2019. VAV does not currently have the capacity to empty the sludge and sewage water itself. The agency will, therefore, procure emptying services that can be carried out by a private emptying company, on behalf of VAV. The assignment includes all properties in Oslo Municipality that are not connected to the public sewage network, but which have running water. These properties are mainly in Sørkedalen, Nordmarka, Maridalen, Lillomarka and Østmarka. In addition, there are a few properties spread around the city that are outside these defined areas. See the attached tender documentation for further details.

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