Market Dialogue, Dental Clinic


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2019-03-22 10:52 (GMT+01:00)


Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune
Martine Lunder Martine Lunder
Askedalen 2
6863 Leikanger
941 388 841

Kort beskrivning

Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune [county municipality] and Hordaland fylkeskommune [county municipality] will enter into a contract for the delivery of dental clinics. We aim to announce a new competition before summer. We would like input from the supplier market in regard to what needs to be taken into consideration in relation to the tender documentation and award criteria, and hereby invite suppliers to 1-to-1 dialogue meetings on 9.4.2019. Register via email to by Friday 29.3.2019 if you are interested in participating. After the expiry of the registration deadline, we will send the participants a draft of the tender documentation, together with the allocated date for the meeting.

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