
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
2017 Transport og behandling av restavfall
Rented dwellings in Oslo. 28.04.2017 12.00
The expansion (construction stage 2) for the Hotell Park Inn Gardermoen (186386). 24.04.2017 12.00
A contract for specialised rehabilitation services. 04.05.2017 12.00
Teaching services preparatory course in mathematics. 24.04.2017 09.00
NRK MA3005 Framework agreement car hire services for NRK. 15.05.2017 12.00
Helicopter hire.
Procurement of Hospital Planners, framework agreement.
The handling of demolished wood from IRMAT AS (henceforth also referred to as the Contracting Authority).
Cleaning services.
RA Pipe cleaning and pipe inspections.
Framework agreement, service design.
Framework agreement veterinary services/municipal veterinary surgeon.
Framework agreement for architectural services.
Route assessment; ‘Nytt dobbeltspor Oslo S — Skøyen/Bislett — Lysaker’.
Plumbing services, replacing water meters.
Competition for inspections and services of fire alarms installations in Boligbygg's properties. 15.05.2017 12.00
Consultant engineering services — roads, water and sewage. 10.05.2017 12.00
Engineering design services — Upgrades. 08.05.2017 12.00
The mapping of short-distance spreading from coniferous wood. 08.05.2017 12.00
Delivery of broad band lines and internet access for Hå municipality. 08.05.2017 12.00
Cleaning services for Øvre and Nedre Campus. 12.05.2017 12.00
Consultancy services for communication, area and transport planning for Telemark County — Framework agreement II: 09.05.2017 10.00
Framework agreements for welfare services for children, youths and adults with functional difficulties. 15.05.2017 12.00
Framework agreement for consultancy services related to development/maintenance and support of Apps in Statsbygg. 10.05.2017 12.00
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing System. 02.05.2017 12.00
Market survey /RFI Cost efficient operation of the zSeries application portfolio.
Crane 12 — New mobile harbour crane. 12.04.2017 12.00
Brown and white goods and small electric appliances.
Framework agreements for purchase and delivery of food products — cf no. 116098.
2017/2309 Procurement a framework agreement for electrical supplies for educational purposes.
Framework agreements for gymnastics equipment.
Framework agreement for the hire/purchase of multi-function machines.
Framework agreement for the purchase of submersible level gauges.
Underground waste containers NGIR.
Office supplies and free school supplies.
1000605 Campus Ås Brukerutstyr K929.22 Equipment for racking Zebrafish and equivalent species. 05.05.2017 14.00
Procurement of monitoring stations for local air quality. 08.05.2017 12.00
Framework agreement; cut flowers. 02.05.2017 12.00
Procurement — Red boxes for the collection of environmentally hazardous waste, ÅRIM, 2017. 03.05.2017 13.00
Procurement — pipes and pipe parts 2017. 09.05.2017 13.00
Framework agreement reflective products. 08.05.2017 12.00
Central and periphery vein catheters, spinal cannulas, epidural cannulas and plexus cannulas, thermodilution and artery cannulas. 12.05.2017 13.00
Andslimoen Nursing home. 05.05.2017 14.00
Procurement of K302 Technical Ventilation works for PET Radio pharmaceutical Production, St.Olavs Hospital.
Procurement of K301 Plumbing work for PET Radiopharmaceutical Production, St.Olavs Hospital.
The procurement of K401 Electrical installation works for PET Radiopharmaceutical production, St.Olavs Hospital.
Asphalt work Western Region 2017 (1st round).
Module based climbing wall.
Veienmarka comprehensive school, internal refurbishment. 28.04.2017 12.00

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