Assistance to Customer Service Centre.


Konkurranse med forhandling
11.07.2017 10.27 (GMT+02:00)
21.08.2017 12.00


Statens pensjonskasse Statens pensjonskasse
Stig Morten Garcia Stig Morten Garcia
Postboks 10 Skøyen
0212 Oslo

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Through this procurement, SPK shall acquire a long term collaborating partner for the management of enquiries to the customer service centre. The solution shall relieve SPK's own customer service centre and ensure sufficient capacity as needed.

The agreement shall cover SPK's need for assistance in the management of enquiries to the customer service centre.

The enquiries will initially be via telephone, but the assistance can be expanded to include other channels such as email and chat.

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