HRA Storanipa — pre-qualification turnkey contract machine and process, contract M1.


Selektivt förfarande
2016-04-22 09:26 (GMT+02:00)
2016-05-13 14:00


Fjell VAR As Fjell VAR As
Tore Brakstad Tore Brakstad
Lonavegen 20
5353 Straume

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

This notice is for a pre-qualification for turnkey contract M1, which comprises planning, engineering design services, delivery and assembly of technical machinery and process equipment for the treatment facility.

The tender contest involves:

A turnkey contract for the delivery and installation of mechanical and process technical equipment for a new main sewage treatment plant HRA Storanpia.

The plant shall be a sieving plant that shall be dimensioned for 40 000 PE.

The purification requirement is primary purification, with the following requirements in the discharge permit:

— 20 reduction of biological oxygen consumption (BOF5) or maximum 40 mg O2/l;

— 50 % reduction of suspended matter (SS) or maximum 60 mg SS/l.

Further details are described in the pre-qualification documentation.

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