Framework Agreement, books and media


Öppet förfarande
2018-03-06 09:23 (GMT+01:00)
2018-04-06 12:00


Time kommune Time kommune
Kjersti Øgaard Kjersti Øgaard
Arne Garborgs v. 30
N4349 Bryne
859 223 672

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Contracting Authority: the municipalities Klepp, Gjesdal, Strand, Bjerkreim and Time, wants to enter into a Framework Agreement for the supply of educational books, teaching aids, litterature, fiction, textbooks and digital teaching aids.

The agreement includes as a starting point, the supply of books to the Contracting Authority's schools. However, school libraries, nurseries and other municipal departments can also enter into the agreement in accordance with requirements.

The contract does not apply to the municipalities other libraries.

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