3D Research and Development Railway engineering.


Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts i Europeiska unionens officiella tidning
2014-03-29 04:34 (GMT+01:00)


Jernbaneverket971 033 533 Jernbaneverket971 033 533
Contract consultant Contract consultant
Morten Angell Berg
Stortorvet 7
0155 Oslo


Jernbaneverket still sees a large potential for savings and quality improvements from implementing an improved 3D-based planning tool

A multidisciplinary workshop was held in 2013 that identified a need for further development in order to exploit the possibilities that are in 3D-modelling optimally. The identified needs include, amongst other things, (the list is not exhaustive):

— Railway engineering

— Support for TBM-cross section

— TBM-drill log for geology model

— Cost estimation

— 3D-modelling of registered geology and rock protection on hand specimens

— Augmented Reality on handheld units

— Systems that can use 3D-data from engineering design services for operation and management in the track databank

Development of an engineering design tool for engineering design of railway infrastructure that supports 3D modelling by further developing the existing 3D modelling tool

The contract will include:

— Development of an engineering design tool in accordance with the contract

— Testing a newly developed engineering design tool

— Integration of deliveries in the existing modelling tool

— Project management, including budgeting, accounting, preparing and following up plans for project implementation and coordination of contracts with other external actors.

The system that JBV currently has, after the first phase of the Research and Development project, is a planning tool that is a very innovative system. The contract will give JBV detailed knowledge and a tool that is not on the market for railway engineering design.

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