Procurement, Two Different Sanitation Vehicles Nomil 2020


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2020-11-17 09:37 (GMT+01:00)


Nordfjord Miljøverk IKS Nordfjord Miljøverk IKS
Tore Dammerud
Eidsmona 14
6823 Sandane


The competition concerns the delivery of two new sanitation vehicles. The contract shall include a service and repairs agreement of 7 years. See part 1; the requirement specification for further information. The contracting authority requests a shift delivery and that the tenderer has a service base in Nordfjord. The procurement regulations are given in the contract, with accompanying standard contract terms. The contract shall be entered into ASAP with a delivery date in accordance with the submitted tender. The vehicle shall be procured through a leasing period of 7 years from the contracting authority's leasing agency SG-finans.

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