
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Skoleadministrativt system, ny konkurranse 31.01.2022 12.00
NOR 068-2021 Mobilpunkt Nymark - pilot utslippsfri anleggsplass 25.01.2022 12.00
2022/163 Utskiftning av heis ved Arkeologisk Museum 02.02.2022 12.00
211414 Jarmyra separering - strømperehabilitering 16.02.2022 12.00
2021/4271 - Orgel Akershus slott - Updated pre-qualification bid - Ny utlysning 31.01.2022 12.00
Tjenestekonsesjon for leveranse av BPA/brukerstyrt personlig assistanse 25.02.2022 12.00
Entreprise 3101 Sanitæranlegg - Nytt klinikk- og protonbygg Radiumhospitalet 26.04.2021 12.00
Anskaffelse av sosialsystem
Hybrid skyplattform trinn 2 for Helse Sør Øst 07.02.2022 12.00
Anskaffelse av økonomisk analyse ifm Kjeller flyplassområde 25.01.2022 12.00
Kanylebøtter og risikoavfallsbeholdere for foretakene i Helse Vest 03.02.2022 12.00
Utbedring av bru 002 - Gullverksvegen 01.02.2022 12.00
Rammeavtale NORHED II-revisor
Anskaffelse av fototjenester
Landskap- og miljøplan (LMP) - Barstad dammene 04.02.2022 12.00
Intensjonskunngjøring selvkostverktøy med tilhørende konsulenttjenester
Konkurranse Prosedyrepakker operasjon Helse Stavanger HF 01.03.2022 13.00
2021024502 - Rødt kjøtt 24.01.2022 12.00
K9621 Storkjøkkenutstyr 04.02.2022 13.00
Personal bording equipment. 08.02.2022 12.00
Expansion of an existing control plant/BMS installations
DPS - Recruitment services
Contract Amendment to SSA-K, SORIA DSOs – NuriFlex Co., Ltd
Birkeland Treatment Plant - Turnkey Contract E61: process, electrical and HVAC and Sanitation 09.02.2022 12.00
Hotel and conference services 31.01.2022 12.00
Tender contest for non-life and personnel insurance Stavangerregionen Havn IKS
Tender contest for non-life and personnel insurances Rogaland brann og redning IKS
DPS, ICT consultancy.
New general valuation of property tax objects
1154 Electrical operation Nord-Rogaland 2022-2024
Procurement of consultancy services for individual disciplines - TS audits and inspection management.
A framework agreement for temporary staff services
ANSK-0239-21 Services for missions with a research plane
Procurement – Consultancy services Building and construction (2), 2021
Stretcher transport- Trøndelag Police District
Stretcher transport- Øst Police District
Stretcher transport - South West Police District
Stretcher transport Møre og Romsdal Police District
Stretcher transport- Vest Police District
Stretcher transport - South East police district
Stretcher transport- Troms Police District
Stretcher transport - Finnmark Police District
Stretcher transport - Nordland Police District
Stretcher transport - Innlandet Police District
Stretcher transport - Agder Police District
Framework agreement for Project Managers (Norwegian: PL) 08.02.2022 09.00
Framework agreement for consultancy service - fire prevention 09.02.2022 12.00
Agreement for rail welding and overlay welding 04.02.2022 12.00
Ticketing and CRM system
Dynamic Purchasing System for the procurement and leasing of vehicles
Procurement of a diesel aggregate for a back-up power station.
Operational leasing / hire of goods vans
(2021/6147) Mobile telephones and additional equipment - framework agreement
Operational leasing/hire of passenger cars and SUVs - electric and chargeable hybrid
Procurement of AV-solutions for three meeting rooms at Namsfogden in Oslo
Procurement of AV-solution for an auditorium in Oslo
Procurement of two flat screen monitors for PFT at Jaren
Framework agreement for books
Framework agreement for the leasing of cars
Fresh bread and bakery products 10.02.2022 10.00
Framework agreement for fresh fruit and vegetables 11.02.2022 12.00
Procurement 'Future Health Technology'
Security project
Framework agreement, turnkey contracts with partnership
Rammeavtale på medietreningskurs 24.01.2022 12.00
Reagenskit for analyse av F-Kalprotektin (ELISA) 07.02.2022 12.00
Konsesjonstildeling BPA Helse/Omsorg 08.02.2022 13.00
Makrobenk til patologi Helse Førde HF 28.01.2022 12.00
Separate driller, sager og oscillerende presisjonssager til Helse Førde 24.01.2022 09.00

Mercell Norge AS

Del av Mercell-gruppen, en av Europas ledende leverandører av elektroniske anbudsverktøy og informasjon mellom innkjøpere og leverandører i det profesjonelle markedet.

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