Request for Information/Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software Solutions for Logistics Management on Waste Management Sector and/or a Weighbridge Software Solution


01 - Veiledende kunngjøring
(Ikke tilgjengelig)
19.10.2018 09.26 (GMT+02:00)


HSY Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymä HSY Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymä
Project Manager Petra Paananen
PL 300
00066 HSY

Kort beskrivelse

This document is: — not a procurement announcement, — not a request for quotation, — not an invitation to negotiation, nor will its publication start a tender competition. This document serves as a Request for Information (RFI) and its purpose is to obtain information on different Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions and software providers for logistics management on waste management sector and/or integrated or separate weighbridge software for managing the material flow and the stock records (optional). This RFI does not bind the contracting entity to make any procurement based on this request. Participation in this RFI does not in any way bind any party in a potential future RFQ. Suppliers who refrain from participating in this RFI are equally allowed to participate in a potential future RFQ.

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