Framework agreement for construction materials and wood.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
17.10.2015 09.52 (GMT+02:00)
25.11.2015 12.00


GKI Grenlandskommunenes Innkjøpsenhet (GKI the Grenland municipalities' procurement unit) GKI Grenlandskommunenes Innkjøpsenhet (GKI the Grenland municipalities' procurement unit)
Procurement Procurement
Frank Arne Hermansen
Postboks 158
3701 Skien
991 799 710

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Framework agreement for construction materials and wood for Bamble, Drangedal, Kragerø, Porsgrunn, Siljan and Skien municipalities.

The construction materials include:

— Wood;

— Construction sheets;

— Construction plastic and construction cardboard;

— Doors;

— Kitchens;

— Roof tiles/roof sheets;

— Gutters and fittings;

— Glue and sealants.

Tenderers can choose which municipality/municipalities they would like to submit a tender for. The tenderer shall be the total supplier within the chosen municipality/muicipalities. A contract will be signed with 1 tenderer per municipality. Tenderers are thus free to submit a tender for 1, several or all the municipalities.

Municipal and inter-municipal companies and other participants in GKI will have an option for the contract (see the tender documentation, chapter 10).

The contract period is 2 years with an option for 1 + 1 year.

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