Framework agreement for auditor assistance, as well as legal consultancy service


02 - Kunngjøring
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
31.01.2023 09.50 (GMT+01:00)
04.03.2023 12.00


Medietilsynet Medietilsynet
Hanne Sekkelsten
Nygata 4
1607 Fredrikstad

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The Norwegian Media Authority intends to enter into a framework agreement for four years, of which two are fixed, with options for one plus one year extension. The framework agreement must safeguard the Norwegian Media Authority´s need for auditing and financial consultancy services related to the Authority's administration areas, including, in particular, administration of various media support schemes and the inspection of the government contract for commercial general broadcasting. The framework agreement will also cover some legal assistance regarding the Norwegian Media Authority's professional areas, mainly related to the State Subsidy legislation and company law conditions.

Mercell Norge AS

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