Custody Services


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
09.10.2020 10.02 (GMT+02:00)


Valtion Eläkerahasto Valtion Eläkerahasto
Tiina Tarma Tiina Tarma
Mikonkatu 15 A
00100 Helsinki


VER is acquiring custody service that includes securities trade settlement and safekeeping, tasks related to corporate actions, income collection, possible proxy voting outside Finland, tasks related to tax withholding reclaims and possible additional services related to the service that could be acquired at a later stage (‘Service’). The securities in scope of the service consist of fixed income investments, direct equity investments, exchange traded funds and REIT investments or other such investments. In addition, the service provider must have the ability to include other instrument types in the Service as they may be added to VER’s portfolio in the future. The service shall be implemented in close cooperation with VER and VER’s back office. The service shall be carried out as straight through process compatible with the current portfolio management and payment systems.

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