Framework Agreement for Sreening Machines


02 - Kunngjøring
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
07.04.2020 09.50 (GMT+02:00)
13.05.2020 10.00


Tolldirektoratet Tolldirektoratet
Dag Sverdrup
Tollbugata 1A
0152 Oslo

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The Norwegian Customs shall enter into a framework agreement for the delivery of X-ray machines for use in our community assignments. Smuggling of drugs and other illegal goods hidden in mail and parcel shipments, luggage and other goods shipments are a challenging to control the use of screening machines with different technologies, capacities and sizes as aids will result in less time spent on individual controls while safeguarding and strengthening the HSE perspective. By using screening machines, the Norwegian Customs are able to control mail and parcel shipments, luggage and other goods shipments in a gentle and efficient manner. Further specifications regarding performance of and requirements for the screening machines are stated in the tender documentation.

Mercell Norge AS

Del av Mercell-gruppen, en av Europas ledende leverandører av elektroniske anbudsverktøy og informasjon mellom innkjøpere og leverandører i det profesjonelle markedet.

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